Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Job” Has Vegetarian Competing For Steakhouse Position

The Job CBS

The Job premieres this Friday at 8 P.M. on CBS.

The reality show featuring contestants vying for positions at different companies will feature Alex Carabano, who runs Brooklyn’s vegetarian V-Spot Cafe.

Carabano is competing for a position with The Palm, a group of upscale steakhouses.

As you can imagine, his diet is the subject of scrutiny during the show.

He was asked if he’d have a problem serving meat to customers.

“I told them I wouldn’t,” he told the New York Daily News. “I don’t eat meat, but I don’t have a problem with anyone who does. My mom is not a vegetarian. My father loves meat.”

Perhaps Carabano’s less defensive attitude may win more steak lovers who are willing to try Meatless Monday.

“If you say ‘vegetarian,’ a lot of people still get scared,” he said. “But if you just show them a menu and they look at the food, they will be fine and realize there are so many things they already eat and enjoy.”

Watch The Job this Friday to see how Carabano fares.

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