Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Martha Stewart Easy Peanut Butter Cups

Martha Stewart is a friend to all domestic vegan divas.

From plant-based friendly side dishes to wholesome non-dairy smoothies to even recipes featuring meat substitutes like seitan, Stewart never fails to deliver something the entire family can enjoy, even if mixed eaters are in the home.

Cooking divas are usually busy and don’t always have time to prepare elaborate desserts for their families (or even themselves).

That’s why Stewart’s Easy Peanut Butter cups make a great treat that’s quick, convenient and dairy-free!

These cups are just as close to a Reeses as you can get, without the real butter.

Stewart’s recipe calls for both white and dark chocolate, both of which can be purchased in vegan varieties.

There’s no need to sweat over a hot oven, as these cups are nuked in the microwave to ensure sweet goodness.

For an added decorative twist, she sprinkles roasted peanuts on top.

Grab the recipe for Stewart’s Easy Peanut Butter Cups.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Martha Stewart Easy Peanut Butter Cups”

  1. Anne Gatica Says:

    I don’t see how Martha Stewart could be described as a “friend” to any vegan. She had her daughter’s pet lamb slaughtered for food.