Jillian Michaels Supports Horse Protection Act
Written by Vegetarian Star on October 16th, 2012 in Animal Issues.
Jillian Michaels has thrown her support behind legislation to protect horses from abuse.
H.R. 6388, the Horse Protection Act Amendments of 2012, is designed to strengthen the Horse Protection Act passed in 1970, a measure intended to stop “soring” – the “deliberate infliction of pain to gaited horses in order to produce an unnatural high-stepping gait for competitions” according to the Humane Society of the United States.
In addition to Michaels, several other celebrities and renowned horse trainers support the bill, including Emmylou Harris, Mary Ann Kennedy and Lynn Anderson; actors Kelly Carlson, Loretta Swit, Alexandra Paul, and Dawn Olivieri; television personality Jenna Morasca; and director/author Joe Camp. Horse industry professionals include: top rider Georgina Bloomberg; natural horse trainer Pat Parelli; trainer, clinician and author Leslie Desmond; host of “Unbridled,” Susan Kayne; and host of “Best of America by Horseback,” Tom Seay.
The Horse Protection Act would close loopholes that allow trainers to use certain devices, strengthen penalties and increase monitoring by outside agencies versus self-policing by trainers.
Photo: csztova/Creative Commons
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