Quantcast Vegetarian StarLance Bass May Say “Bye, Bye, Bye” To Meat Soon

Lance Bass May Say “Bye, Bye, Bye” To Meat Soon

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 5th, 2012 in Food & Drink, Gardening, Male Singers.

Lance Bass PETA

Lance Bass may be saying “Bye, bye, bye” to meat soon.

At the Environmental Media Awards, the singer said he’s trying to increase his consumption of vegetables and not focus some much on protein, something he’s done too much in the past.

Could he have been partially inspired by his gardening hobby he started growing up?

“I was pretty much a good gardener growing up in Mississippi,” Bass began. “I grew up in the country, so we did a lot of gardening. But you know, nutritional facts is what I’m learning about mainly.”

“And just really switching my whole vegetable intake. Cause I had it all backwards. I was eating way too much protein and not enough veggies. And now I’ve completely changed that in my diet.”

“I’m not [vegan]. I’m getting close to it though. I order from a lot of vegan places where I eat out.”

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