Quantcast Vegetarian StarDotsie Bausch Helps US Women Win Silver In Olympic Cycling

US Women's Velodrome Cycling

Dotsie Bausch (far left), a seven-time U.S. National bike racer who pedals on plant power, helped the U.S. Women’s Cycling Team win a Silver Medal at the Olympic Velodrome this past week.

Bausch and her teammates Sarah Hammer and Lauren Tamayo averaged a speed of 54.073 Km/h, or 33.5 mph, on the track,finishing a mere 5 seconds behind the British, who set a new world record of 3:14.051 for the gold.

Bausch said of her decision to stop eating animals: “It makes no sense to me that anything would have to undergo one second of suffering so that I could enjoy it.”

She often starts her days with “power toast,” a slice of whole grain bread topped with avocado, tomato, chia seeds and chili powder, salt and pepper to taste.

Photo: Nicola/Creative Commons

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