Quantcast Vegetarian StarAaron Simpson Weighs In On Arian Foster Vegan Diet Switch

Aaron Simpson

Aaron Simpson has finally made the transition to a vegan diet after three years of fighting as a vegetarian.

In a recent interview with Bleacher Report, the MMA fighter discussed how doing so has benefited his athleticism and also gives input on Arian Foster‘s recent decision to go vegan as well.

“People are coming out and talking smack about (Houston Texans running back) Arian Foster because he’s decided to become vegan. They are saying he’s not going to be the running back he was and he is going to lose muscle mass. That’s just B.S. You can get great plant proteins that are healthier than animal proteins. It’s just a matter of being disciplined about it.”

“Being vegan definitely made the weight cut easier,” he told Bleacher Report. “It is something you have to be disciplined about because it’s not necessarily the most convenient thing. Once you live that lifestyle and you know where to go and know what you need; it becomes easier. It was the easiest and cleanest way I could have cut the weight. I feel strong as hell right now.”

Simpson’s wife has been a vegetarian for over a decade. He made the decision to first cut meat products from his diet after the birth of the couple’s twin children.

“We always talked about raising our kids vegetarian and teaching them compassion and empathy for all living things. I could no longer be a hypocrite and stand by and eat animals.”

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