Quantcast Vegetarian StarJay Sean PETA Ad Promotes Pet Adoption (Video)

Jay Sean PETA

British musician Jay Sean has recorded a PSA for PETA on all things animal: adoption, circuses, spaying and neutering and fur.

Sean poses with a rescue mutt Stella in a poster that reads, “Adopt, Don’t Buy.”

“Up until I had a dog, I didn’t realize the connection you had, that I had, with animals,” Sean says in a video below.

“You take on a dog and it’s like a member of your family. And you realize that just because they’re animals, you can’t treat them any less than you would a human being.”

Sean advises you adopt your next family member instead of purchasing him or her.

“Every year, millions of dogs and cats are taken to crowded animal shelters, and countless more are abandoned on the streets to die. Save lives by always adopting, never buying,” reads the PSA poster.

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