Quantcast Vegetarian StarHarvey Levin Has Worst Vegetarian Day Ever At TMZ

Harvey Levin Has Worst Vegetarian Day Ever At TMZ

Written by Vegetarian Star on May 10th, 2011 in Film & TV, Food & Drink.

Harvey Levin Departing BOA Steakhouse in West Hollywood on September 21, 2009

Poor Harvey Levin.

The main man behind one of the largest gossip brands had one of the worst days of his life when everybody at TMZ decided to give him grief for being a vegetarian and wearing some strange looking pink shirt with palm trees on it.

Okay so the last action did warrant some teasing…

During a recent video where Harvey discusses all the latest in Hollywood, he casually said, “I hate being a vegetarian today.”

Apparently the lunch that was available to him that day wasn’t the tastiest and after he disclosed this to the “other vegetarian” at TMZ, dozens of people swarmed him with suggestions of what to eat, none of which were vegetarian.

“Everybody came out of the woodwork,” Levin said. “They start talking about In-N-Out burgers…It’s just like they circle this place…”

Hey, if  Harvey can snag a mugshot of John Mayer to raise money for rescue shelter dogs, he can at least implement Meatless Mondays at TMZ. That’ll be one less day where the only meat being passed around is the latest photo of a drunk Lindsay Lohan.

Until then, we hope he continues to gossip about how fur should stay on the animal it came with and showing off those sexy leather-free wallets.

Watch Harvey describe his bad nutritional day at TMZ.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Harvey Levin Has Worst Vegetarian Day Ever At TMZ”

  1. Darren Says:

    Fur should stay with the animal? Why then did Harvey shave the sexy man fur off his big forearms? Let it grow back Harv!

  2. Angeles Says:

    Hey HARVEY! You complained about veggie food? Tell this to the animals in the slaughterhouse that are suffering in this moment!!! You’re not even a vegan, you still can eat hen´s period, cow´secretion, or bees´vomits…! Come on dude grow up!… Don’t be such a baby..!