Quantcast Vegetarian StarJillian Michaels “Shape” Issue Reveals Love Of Popchips

Jillian Michaels is gracing the cover of the May 2011 issue of Shape magazine.

The pescatarian who’s leaving The Biggest Loser after this season to work on promoting organic farming told the magazine she rates the foods she eats on a scale from 1-10. Some foods are junk foods, but they’re moderately rated junk foods, so she lets herself cheat with them.

Of course, a little vegan junk food here and there couldn’t be that harmful.

“I give food a number on a scale from one to 10,” Michaels said. “Ones are superfoods and will practically cure cancer, like organic spinach. Tens are crap that could kill you tomorrow, like a prepackaged cupcake. The highest I’ll go is a five or six. For example, I adore Popchips. They’re 100 calories a bag – no preservatives, no trans fats, and no artificial sweeteners. Is it a superfood? No. But will it kill me? No!”

Hmm…Bob Haper likes Popchips. Jillian Michaels like Popchips. Wonder what the two coaches of the popular weight loss reality TV show sneak a handful of when the cameras aren’t rolling…

Luckily, Popchips are a vegetarian and vegan friendly junk food in addition to being low calorie and trans-fat free.

All Popchips are vegetarian, but the company recently made changes to another one of its flavors to make it vegan.

From Popchips:

“Our original popchips are vegan, and as of July 1, 2010, our sea salt & vinegar and salt & pepper popchips are too. As long as your bag has a “best by” date after July 1, 2011, you can rest assured you’re snacking on a vegan bag of sea salt & vinegar or salt & pepper popchips. And, yes, all of our flavors entirely vegetarian too.”

Pop on!

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