Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaniel Bryan Treated Staph Infections With Vegan Diet

WWE star Daniel Bryan has given Peta2 an exclusive interview, which they’ve already posted part 1 of 2 to their site.

Growing up, Bryan suffered from a weak immune system and numerous health problems, some of which caused him to miss an entire month of school at a time.

When he developed multiple staph infections a few years ago, he found a good doctor who prescribed more the medication.

“In 2009, I ended up getting three different staph infections and two different other skin infections. I went to the doctor … He gave me a couple options of what we could do but one of things he said that helps out his patients a lot is trying to go vegan. I said I’m open for anything at this point … So, anyway I started going vegan then, and this whole year my energy levels have been great, I haven’t gotten any skin infections. Right now I’m 198 lbs which is the heaviest I’ve weighed since 2003 … I’m stronger right now than I’ve ever been … I’m dead-lifting more than I ever have before.”

Not only do some recommend shifting the diet away from meat to more raw fruits and vegetables to fight staph, there are several documented cases of antibiotic resistant microbes showing up in meat. With 70% of all antibiotics used given to livestock animals, these microbes can easily become resistant, reside on meat and enter the food supply. In the Netherlands, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) was found in 20% of the pork, 21% of chicken and 3% of beef for sale,  according to the UK Soil Association. What’s worst, infections acquired from infected meat may be harder to treat than those acquired elsewhere.

Part 1 of Bryan’s interview can be found here.

Photo: Shamsuddin Muhammad/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Daniel Bryan Treated Staph Infections With Vegan Diet”

  1. Katherine Says:

    ♥ we need more male vegan athletes coming out and showing that being tough AND vegan is totally possible