Quantcast Vegetarian StarLisa Edelstein On “Tails Inc. Magazine”

Lisa Edelstein On “Tails Inc. Magazine”

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 29th, 2011 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

House star Lisa Edelstein has been a passionate voice for both vegetarianism and animals through both her interviews with the media and her work for animal charities like Best Friends Animal Society.

Edelstein is gracing the March 2011 issue of Tails Inc. and also has an interview with the magazine online.

Ironically, although Edelstein will lend her voice at any chance to educate about adopting animals, she can’t bare to walk into an actual shelter. The experience is too heartbreaking. Knowing there are 4 million cats and dogs euthanized in shelters every year, can you blame her?

“I pay attention to where my strengths are. When it comes to helping animals, my strength is public speaking—not actually going into shelters, which I find to be an incredibly traumatizing experience. I always say that, as celebrities, we have microphones constantly shoved in our faces, so we should say something that has meaning and is important to us.”

“That’s why I’m grateful for organizations like Best Friends. They address such a wide variety of topics and give people opportunities to deal with the issues they feel strongly about in a manner that works for them, according to their individual strengths and weaknesses.”

More at Tails Inc.

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