Quantcast Vegetarian StarLady Gaga Human Breast Milk Ice Cream “Baby Gaga”

Lady Gaga

Get your Lady Gaga human breast milk ice cream treat now!

No, it wasn’t milked from the Born This Way singer’s own udders, but a London ice cream parlor called The Icecreamists is serving “Baby Gaga” ice cream blended from the breast milk of 15 women, plus Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest.

Yummy? Gross? Vegan?

This treat will set you back by $23 per serving, so you’ll have to skip buying Gaga’s latest CD if you want to try her signature cream.  You’ll also have to place a back order for it because a recent Tweet and Facebook posting from The Icecreamists indicates Baby Gaga is sold out!

Baby Gaga sounds like a great dessert to finish off that lasagna made from cheese sourced from the breast milk of women living in New York and Wisconsin.

Mothers who made the ice cream answered an advertisement posted on an online forum.

The ice cream shop’s founder, Matt O’Connor described Baby Gaga as, “pure, organic, free-range and totally natural.” It’s also been called a “storm in a D cup.”

Photo: PR Photos

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3 Responses to “Lady Gaga Human Breast Milk Ice Cream “Baby Gaga””

  1. Miriam Says:

    Eww gross Good thing it’s sold out

  2. PP.L Says:

    Eeeeeeew!,seriously gross my friend told me about dis stuff so I decided 2 websearch it nd it’s true

  3. Average Joe Says:

    It’s about time!