Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Veg Edge” Featured Heavy Metal Vegan Cooking Show (Video)

Tim Hogarth was featured on The Veg Edge, a segment on the Food Network’s sister channel, “The Cooking Channel” that highlighted the world of veg from both coasts of the United States.

Hogarth is a musician in Los Angeles and his online cooking show, Heavy Metal Vegan Cooking, combines food with entertainment and humor, as it regularly features characters like Satan when seitan is being made and other “guests” like Paula Deen and the ghost of Michael Jackson have appeared.

In cased you missed The Veg Edge last year, it’s showing again on February 16th at 9:00 PM and 1:00 AM on The Cooking Channel.

The humorous clip of Hogarth’s “Wings of Seitan” is shown above and his segment from The Veg Edge can be seen below.

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