Quantcast Vegetarian StarNicole Richie Joel Madden Wedding Includes Live Elephant (Video)

Joel Madden and Nicole Richie

Yes, in what originally looked like a wild rumor made up by a tabloid, E! confirmed that an elephant was part of the wedding for Richie and Madden on Saturday. A source told E!, “Nicole has always been obsessed with elephants. Lionel wanted to surprise her.”

As expected, this isn’t sitting too well with animal activists. More on that and a video showing guests arriving below.

PETA issued a statement saying:

“We’re sure she didn’t know that Have Trunk Will Travel – the company that likely provided Tai the elephant, who was taken from the wild as a baby more than 40 years ago – trains its elephants with bullhooks and electric shock prods.”

“We’re writing to her privately to respectfully ask her to keep exotic animals off her guest lists for future celebrations.”

Liz Tyson, director of The Captive Animals’ Protection Society, agreed. “If, as news reports state, Nicole Richie indeed really likes elephants, then the last thing that she should do is force one of these majestic and sentient animals to perform for her amusement.”

We are equally disappointed with the menu, obtained by TMZ. Richie has been vocal about living green and hardly eating any meat and Madden was reported at one time to be vegetarian. Don’t tell us the elephant requested Beef Au Jus or Seared Ahi Tuna.

Photo: PR Photos

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