Quantcast Vegetarian StarRay Davies Holds Patents On Vegetarian Dishes

Ray Davies Holds Patents On Vegetarian Dishes

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 7th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Ray Davies

English rock musician Ray Davies is best known for being a singer and songwriter for band The Kinks. Somewhere, in some hall of fame, he needs his own star for other, non-music related accomplishments. Like patenting several vegetarian dishes.

“I’m a vegetarian, although I eat fish occasionally,” he told Gibson. “I have a couple of vegetarian dishes I’ve patented. I love to surprise non-veggies – they say: ‘That was incredible,’ and then they’re totally shocked to hear that there’s no meat in it.”

Patenting the ultimate vegan mac and cheese, bean burrito or egg replacer can be a tricky task, but it can and has been done numerous times. The patents usually fall into two categories, either 1. composition of matter (e.g. a new ingredient that’s never been used to make an already existing meal) or 2. process for making the product (e.g. heating a mixture for a product when no one’s ever thought of doing it that way).

Here are a few food combination that have earned U.S Patents.

* Reduced calorie:  fat replacements (5,466,479) and sugarless bakery goods (5,804,242)
* Microwavable: Sponge cake that can rise when microwaved (6,410,074)
* Texture: Ingredient replacing egg whites to reduce toughness of batter coatings (6,288,179)

* Moisture protection: Preventing a cream filling from making its outer bread layer soggy (5,145,699);
* Shelf life: Single-dough cookies that store well (4,344,969)
* Smoothness: Cooking process that improves mayonnaise (6,579,558)
* Flavoring: Additive that improves chocolate flavor in baked goods (3,733,209)
* Shaping: Controlling cookie geometry (5,374,440)
* Convenience: Toaster cookies (6,093,437); ready-to-bake dough (5,560,946)
* Appearance: Confections that swim in a carbonated beverage (6,319,535)
* Special diets: Diabetic nutritionals (6,248,375)
* Combinations: Storing peanut butter and jelly in the same container (3,117,871)

Source: Inventorprise

Photo:  PR Photos

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