Quantcast Vegetarian StarVegetarian Bill Russell Receives Presidential Medal Of Freedom

Bill Russell

The 2010 winners of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award given to a civilian who’s made “an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors,” have been chosen and vegetarian and former athlete Bill Russell is one of the recipients announced by President Barack Obama.

A release from the White House received by Boston.com reads why Russell received the honor:

“Bill Russell is the former Boston Celtics’ Captain who almost single-handedly redefined the game of basketball. Russell led the Celtics to a virtually unparalleled string of eleven championships in thirteen years and was named the NBA’s Most Valuable Player five times. The first African American to coach in the NBA—indeed he was the first to coach a major sport at the professional level in the United States—Bill Russell is also an impassioned advocate of human rights. He marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and has been a consistent advocate of equality.”

Also the author of several books, Russell discussed in one of his published works of non-fiction recently how he felt being vegetarian helped him form closer bonds with his male friends.

Photo: PR Photos

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