Quantcast Vegetarian StarJohn Salley Or Bob Harper–Who Would You [Farm Sanctuary Edition]

Two vegan gents represented Farm Sanctuary’s Walk for Animals this year.

John “spider legs” Salley hosted the event, which took place in over 75 U.S cities and even included a “virtual” walk while Biggest Loser coach Bob Harper served as the celebrity spokesperson.

Guess it comes down to whether you want to gulp down Salley’s homemade root beer or munch on Harper’s Roasted Cauliflower as a side dish with your veggie burger.

Between the two celebrity Farm Sanctuary representatives, who would you rather…

Who Would You Rather Do Veggie Burger Lunch With?

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One Response to “John Salley Or Bob Harper–Who Would You [Farm Sanctuary Edition]”

  1. Nathan Says:

    “Bob Harper (bottom)” Classic!