Quantcast Vegetarian StarVictoria Beckham Reps Fire Back At PETA On Crocodile Bags

Victoria Beckham Reps Fire Back At PETA On Crocodile Bags

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 20th, 2010 in Fashion, Female Singers.

Victoria Beckham‘s representative has spoken on the criticisms the singer has received from People from the Ethical Treatment of Animals for creating a line of purses made from crocodile skin, lizard skin and calf leather.

The spokesperson insists the bags were made with the strictest “ethical” guidelines available.

From Contact Music:

“Everyone is entitled to personal opinion and choice, but as with all Victoria Beckham products, the handbags are made to the highest quality and design. These skins sit strictly within the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) regulations, and are monitored at every step of production. The skins are farmed in America under very tight guidelines.”

Never realized that “skins” are farmed. We always thought it was the animals who resided in such places.

Such a comforting feeling it is to know animals were killed in the highest standards possible. That makes it totally okay to go out and buy a bag, right?

As Borat would say…NOT!

Photo: PR Photos

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3 Responses to “Victoria Beckham Reps Fire Back At PETA On Crocodile Bags”

  1. Rhonda Says:

    there is NOTHING “ethical” about using someone elses skin for your fashion 🙁

  2. Sharon Says:

    If David Beckham can agree its inhuman and refuse to wear leather boots, or slaughter calf for fashion surely he should have made Victoria aware. Its not okay and should be brought into the public arena.

  3. Sharon Says:

    Oh sorry, they charge £1000+ for a Victoria Beckham hand bag. Its all about the money.