Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–“Biggest Loser” Burgandy Keel On First Vegan Meal

"The Biggest Loser" Burgandy Keel Before And After

"The Biggest Loser" Burgandy Keel Before And After

“Bob is so gracious and we were so blessed to be able to go to his house this season. He has never done this before. When we saw the meal, I couldn’t believe the colors and the rich smells and it was so filling. But, on the other hand, I don’t know if I am ready to go vegan. Right now, I am just trying to eat whole foods every day.”

Burgandy Keel, contestant on this season’s “The Biggest Loser,” on the vegan meal she and other contestants enjoyed at trainer Bob Harper‘s home. Whether you’re ready to go vegan or not, there’s no commitment involved in enjoying good food as often as you’d like. So print some of the recipes from the day like Roasted Wild Mushrooms with Shaved Fennel Salad, Roasted Cauliflower and Chopped Broccoli with Pine Nuts at Harper’s blog, My Trainer Bob.

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