Quantcast Vegetarian StarBob Harper Gives PSA For Broccoli (Video)

Bob Harper Gives PSA For Broccoli (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 13th, 2010 in Food & Drink, Nutrition-Health-Fitness, Videos.

During this week’s episode of The Biggest Loser, trainer Bob Harper‘s trainer tip was to consume broccoli! Practicing what he preaches, Harper fed the contestants chopped broccoli with pine nuts this week as well.

“Whether it’s steamed, baked or even over a salad,” Harper says. “A little broccoli goes a long way.”

Broccoli has been hailed as the champion vegetable by researchers, citing it has more health benefits, contains more nutrients and is a strong potential cancer fighter.

Broccoli is also an all-in-one Vitamin D supplement. To benefit from Vitamin D, one also needs Vitamin K and Vitamin A to keep Vitamin D metabolism functioning properly.  Broccoli naturally contains a good combination of K and A (through beta-carotene) and may be a good food to consume when trying to rebuild D stores.

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