Quantcast Vegetarian StarTLC “Freaky Eaters” Raw Meat Eating Compulsion, Cheeseburger Addict (Video)

TLC’s Freaky Eaters features Dr. Dow and JJ Virgin coming to the intervention of people with some strange and dangerous eating compulsions. There’s a young lady who needs 30 cans of cola a day. The cheeseburger addict. And tonight at 7PM, there’s Daniel, a young man who is compelled to eat raw meat.

Listening to Daniel describe this obsession with phrases like “one of those quiet things where you do it on your own” and “this is nice.”, one could almost make frat boy jokes about the pastime that didn’t start until he left the confines of his parents’ home.

However, eating raw meat is no joke and Daniel is putting himself at risk for consuming harmful bacteria and becoming ill with infections like Trichinellosis, also called trichinosis, which result in eating uncooked meat. Not that the stuff’s any healthier cooked…

From TLC:

“Using intense nutritional and behavioral therapy, they attempt to convince Daniel to give up his life-threatening obsession before it’s too late.”

A clip from a man who eats approximately 1,400 cheeseburgers a year is below.

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One Response to “TLC “Freaky Eaters” Raw Meat Eating Compulsion, Cheeseburger Addict (Video)”

  1. Rebecca Says:

    If you or someone you know needs help with their food issue, then we want to hear from you. We’d like to hear from people who want help to overcome their problem. This is not a show for people who “just don’t like brussel sprouts” or choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons.

    This is a series for adults who genuinely would like help to deal with the psychological root causes of why they cannot eat or try new foods.

    If you are an adult with extreme eating habits and you would like to know more about our show please email REBECCA at freakyeaters@shedmediaus.com with the following information:

    First and Last Name

    City, State

    Phone Number and email

    Photo and/or link to your Facebook or Myspace

    A brief paragraph about what makes your eating habits extreme and why you want help.