Bob Harper Exclusive Interview With Farm Sanctuary (Video)
Written by Vegetarian Star on September 22nd, 2010 in Animal Issues, Food & Drink, Reality TV, Videos.
Bob Harper is the 2010 spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s Walk for Animals, which spans across 78 cities in the U.S. and even includes a virtual “no walk” walk. The Biggest Loser coach’s popularity has certainly helped Farm Sanctuary’s cause, as well as draw attention to the welfare of farm animals and the vegetarian and vegan lifestyle. In an exclusive interview with Farm Sanctuary, Harper discusses how growing up on a cattle farm made cows his favorite farm animal, his views on modern farming and how going vegan has changed his life.
Growing Up On A Cattle Farm In Tennessee:
“I have to tell you that because I grew up on this cattle farm it was just the way of life then. On the farm I grew up on the cows were treated relatively respectfully. They had pastures, they lived a good quality of life, of course until their death. To me there was more compassion back then because now … the thing that really pains me … is that these factory farms are just treating these animals like they’re light fixtures, like they’re not real and don’t have blood running through them. It’s just shocking to me.”
On Modern Farming:
“Well, I think the biggest thing is that animals are treated like they are not real. But these animals have emotions; they can be afraid; they can be happy. It’s like people tend to forget about that and that scares me when I think about slaughterhouses and what goes on in these places. When I started getting more and more informed about farm animals and how they were treated it made me feel like I needed to do whatever I could to help.”
On How His Life Has Changed Since Going Vegan:
“Well, it’s interesting because one thing I’ve really been able to do is talk to so many people about what they eat and their diet, for lack of a better word. I’ve worked with overweight Americans for such a long time and it’s about a stepping process … every day is a step because I get people I’ve worked with before saying to me now “What? Are you just going to take out all my meat and dairy?” I want to say “yes” immediately, but I know it’s about getting them to take steps. It’s a process for all of us, but I just get very excited about the platform I’ve been given and the information I now have to give out.”
The entire interview with Bob can be viewed below.
Photo: PR Photos
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September 22nd, 2010 at 7:06 am
What goes on to our farm anipals make us sick! Love Farm Sanctuary!
Thank you for speaking out! Love Farm Sanctuary! Hug a cow today!