Quantcast Vegetarian StarSubway Fashion Show Uses Sandwich Packaging For Models’ Outfits

Subway Fashion Show

Subway Fashion Show

Subway is a refreshing alternative to fast food and now, an eco-friendly way to make a fashion statement.

Start saving your wrappers each time you purchase a Veggie Delight. Chicago based fashion designer Elsa Hiltner created outfits using recyclable material from Subway restaurants that were worn during the “Project SUBWAY” fashion show at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, Illinois.

The show was meant to highlight Subway’s ongoing efforts to make operations and service more environmentally friendly.

Packaging Digest describes the outfits:

“One model wore a bodice created from a SUBWAY Lunch Box package, with floral detail made from a SUBWAY Cookie Bag. A looped skirt was made from SUBWAY Cookie Bags as well. Half of each Cookie Bag – a full 50 percent – is made from recycled materials while the lunch box is made with 10 percent recycled material and SFI (Sustainable Forestry Initiative) fibers. The SFI logo is proudly displayed on the lunch box.”

Should Subway change its logo to something to the tune of “Eat fresh, wear fresh?”

Don’t forget that Subway is a great stop for satisfying both hunger and vegetarian and vegan needs. A six inch or foot long sandwich on Italian bread piled high with veggies is completely vegan, while the 9-grain wheat bread contains honey, which some vegans may reject. All other breads will contain some milk or cheese ingredients, but are suitable for vegetarians, even down to the tiny ingredients on the list like sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate and the mono- and diglycerides. Those are plant derived as well.

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