Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Gosselin “Kate Plus 8” Organic Eggs, Small Farm Theme

Kate Gosselin

TLC is airing a special episode of Kate Plus 8 on Sunday, July 11 at 9 pm ET/PT where Kate Gosselin will become a small farmer!

The Dancing with the Stars competitor is said to get excited about the prospect of producing her own organic eggs and enlists the help of some Amish neighbors to help her build a chicken coop.

Good for Kate being a local farmer, but will her eggs really be organic? Is it even possible to define what the heck an organic egg is?

There are no uniform standards for what organic eggs consists of, but usually one of the main requirements is that the chickens are fed with organic feed, meaning no additives, animal byproducts or genetically modified organisms.

Most chickens who lay an organic egg should also not be given hormones or routine antibiotics except in cases of outbreaks.

However, as Organic Lifestyle Magazine points out, these are loosely defined rules and organic certification can vary from agency to agency, country to country and even province to province. And organic doesn’t necessarily mean optimum animal welfare, as birds aren’t always cage-free or free range or have access to pasture.

Photo: PR Photos


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