Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Uses Sherpa’s Faux Friendly Pet Carrier

Carrie Underwood arrives for the David Letterman Show in New York City, New York on November 2, 2009. Fame Pictures, Inc

Carrie Underwood was spotted in a Los Angeles airport with her dog Ace, who she transported in a Sherpa’s Pet Trading Company Original Tote Around Town carrier.

The Tote Around Town is lined with a faux lambskin cushion so pets like Ace can stay comfortable without rubbing on another animal’s hide.

Sherpa’s carriers are airline approved for both dogs and cats of various sizes, many of which have the same removable, washable faux lambskin cushion.

More information about the totes can be found at Sherpa’s, and they are available online at places like Republic of Paws.

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