Knut Polar Bear Stressed From Captivity In German Zoo Says PETA
Written by Vegetarian Star on June 17th, 2010 in Animal Issues.
Knut may look as calm as cucumbers in this photo, but a representative from PETA says he and his polar bear mates in the German zoo are stressed, and are suffering from panic attacks and repetitive behavioral movements.
“He (Knut) and his companion Gianna are definitely displaying behavioral problems,” said Frank Albrecht, a zoo expert for PETA’s German branch who also recommended the two not get it on because they are so closely related.
Albrecht, along with the animal rights group, is calling for an end to breeding polar bears in captivity and keeping them in German zoos, period.
Albrecht and PETA claim that of the 34 polar bears in captivity in the 11 German zoos, between 75% and 90% show signs of being disturbed.
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