Quantcast Vegetarian StarFood Network “Cupcake Wars” Features Vegan Friendly Cupcakery

The Food Network show Cupcake Wars recently featured Sugar Cupcakery bakery (say it fast three times) in a competition between owner Karla Jennings and bakers from Orlando and Los Angeles to create sweets for George Lopez‘s golf tournament.

Sugar Cupcakery has a dozen or so vegan versions to their cupcakes, including the Tiramasu, Carrot, Grapefruit, Lemon Raspberry, Coconut Lime and more. And at Sugar Cupcakery, you can have your tea and eat it too, as the Earl Gray is infused with the flavorings of the beverage.

For the gluten-free cupcake lovers, there is the Vanilla topped with Chocolate Truffle, Raspberry, Vanilla Bean, Coconut and Strawberry.

Sugar Cupcakery sits in the heart of the midwest in Milford, Ohio and was created by sisters Krista Tevar and Karla Jennings who found the niche for high end, organic cupcakes made with local ingredients had yet to be filled.

Photo: Xpopx/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Food Network “Cupcake Wars” Features Vegan Friendly Cupcakery”

  1. Kenda Says:

    So awesome!
    Also, Chloe Coscarelli, a vegan chef from the Los Angeles area, will be on Cupcake Wars June 22nd, displaying her vegan cupcake awesomeness!
    Lovin’ the amazing vegan chefs getting some time on Food Network!