Quantcast Vegetarian StarMTV Movie Awards 2010 Drops EOS Organic Lip Balm In Swag Bags

EOS Organic Lip Balm

EOS Organic Lip Balm

Stars who attend the 2010 MTV Movie Awards on June 6 at the Gibson Amphitheatre can grab a swag bag containing EOS Organic Lip Balm to keep their kissables moist during the event and when they return home.

The balm is made from 95% organic ingredients, and like other EOS (Evolution of Smooth) products, contains no parabens, petrolatum or phthalate. There’s no gluten either, so you can lick, lick away at the three flavors of  pomegranate raspberry, vanilla bean and sweet mint if you’re avoiding that ingredient too.

Besides the lip balm, the MTV Movie Awards gift bags will contain EOS ultra-moisturizing shave cream and smooth sphere lip balm with SPF 15.

EOS products are not tested on animals.

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One Response to “MTV Movie Awards 2010 Drops EOS Organic Lip Balm In Swag Bags”

  1. N Mills Says:

    I will only use lip balms that are made out of all natural ingredients and don’t contain parabens or any petroleum products. I consider myself to be a lip balm connoisseur because I have literally tried over 30 kinds of lip balm. I prefer either minty or fruity lip balms, so when I heard that the Made from Earth Spearmint and Blueberry Balm was really minty, I had to try it!

    If this lip balm was so thick and waxy, it would be one of the best. I love it because it is made with natural ingredients, and because it is nice and minty which makes your lips tingle. Unfortunately, it is very thick and waxy and it doesn’t glide on my lips like other lip balms do. That is my only complaint.

    I would recommend it to others to try because I am a little picky when it comes to lip products, so it might just be me.