Quantcast Vegetarian StarKeiron Cunningham On Deer Killing “Ten Times Better Than Wembley”

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Rugby star Keiron Cunningham has rubbed animal activists the wrong way after starring in a video killing a deer.

A gruesome picture of Keiron holding the animal he shot can be found at The Sun.

It didn’t help his image that during the show that aired on the Field Sports Channel website, Keiron exclaimed, “It’s ten times better than scoring at Wembley,” after killing the animal.

A spokesman for A League Against Cruel Sports said, “It is sad a respected sportsman uses his public profile to promote killing animals for sport. It is disturbing someone can get such enjoyment taking pot shots at wildlife.”

Keiron responded to criticism by professing his love for the “sport,” saying he grew up snaring rabbits and was “always shooting things,” and cited the high he got from doing so.

Even seemingly non animal rights commenters on the article at The Sun found this hard to swallow.

As one reader said, “To me it’s not about actually killing the deer it’s the fact that he’s glamourising it, i don’t really want to know that he get’s more pleasure out of killing an innocent animal than when he plays Rugby.”

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One Response to “Keiron Cunningham On Deer Killing “Ten Times Better Than Wembley””

  1. Simon Mansell Says:

    By placing a commercial value on game, which in turn is paid back to the communities conservation has benefits. The success of animals under hunting programs has been clearly evidenced but alas it seems there are many who would rather see the decline in habitat and of the animals rather than allow sport hunting which offends their urban politically correct sentiment.