PETA Kentucky Derby Horse Death Statistics Billboard Rejected
Written by Vegetarian Star on April 28th, 2010 in Animal Issues.

PETA Kentucky Derby Ad
As expected, no billboard company in Louisville is willing to let animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals place a poster describing how many horses have died since Eight Bells did in 2008 from racing.
Maybe they should start campaigning for next year. It must be a factor of space, obviously.
PETA said that, on average, three horses break down on the race track every day and although the industry has made improvements, like banning steroids from the tracks where the Triple Crown races are run, officials resort to using drugs that mask the animal’s pain so it can still race when it should be in recovery.
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May 1st, 2010 at 2:04 pm
[…] The Kentucky Derby ends today, much to the relief of animal lovers everywhere that know many horses don’t make it through the race uninjured–or alive. […]
May 11th, 2010 at 11:08 am
I want to know what you mean by”break down”? Does that include pulled muscles, pulled tendons, bowed tendons and breathing thats hard? Or does that only include broken bones? If you say that about race horses then you will have to say that about high school track. Just more propaganda.
August 4th, 2010 at 12:24 pm
HORSE RACING IS NOT CRUELTY TO HORSES! Thoroughbreds, quarter horses, and standardbreds alike are all breeds of horses that mature and grow phisically very quickly. Their bones and muscles can handle the pressure of them running with a person on their back. Running at high speeds is an instinct that horses have, so racing is something that comes naturally to them.
People really need to STOP COMPARING 6 YEAR OLD HUMAN CHILDREN TO 2 YEAR OLD HORSES! Making a 6 year old kid run a mile is something totally different than making a thoroughbred run a mile! TWO DIFFERENT SPECIES, TWO DIFFERENT MATURITY RATES!
Oh and I also agree with skippy. Accidents happen, both to humans and to animals.
November 17th, 2010 at 11:57 am
Human sports injuries are rarely fatal. Knowing the risk to these beautiful creatures makes those in favor of the races abusive in my eyes since Barbaro’s fatal race. I hope PETA shuts them down altogether. GOD did intend for the horses to run, but not in the way they are directed in those races. GO PETA!!! I used to be an avid fan of horse racing, but never more since losing Barbaro. Never more!!!