Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Food Party” Thu Tran Corn Recipe The Puppets Will Love

Thu Tran "Food Party"

Thu Tran "Food Party"

Thu Tran is the host of the Independent Film Channel’s Food Party, a cooking show filmed on a cardboard set featuring gourmet meals and puppet guests that arrive to eat them.



A little freaky.

Anyway, we’d totally show up to eat with the puppets if Thu was cooking corn the way she likes it.

Although admitting to Zap2it she does like meat, Thu loves taking frozen corn and adding several spices to it.

“Sometimes I snack on that cold, but I used to really like to microwave it with three pats of butter and then add cayenne pepper and garlic powder and sugar, and eat that. It’s really good.”

That sounds incredibly delicious, and even the vegans can whip out their Earth Balance and have a good time with this.

The season 2 premiere of Food Party airs tonight at 10PM on the Independent Film Channel.

Take a look at a clip from last year’s show, featuring “Yolk-Oh O No!” having egg issues.

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