Quantcast Vegetarian StarLaura Benanti, Michael Cerveris In “The Naked Genius” By Activist Gypsy Rose Lee

Celebs Attend Good HouseKeeping Shine On Event

Laura Benanti and Michael Cerveris will unite for a one night only reading of The Naked Genius by Gypsy Rose Lee to benefit the Mint Theatre Company at Caroline’s on Broadway in New York City.

According to the Mint Theatre, “The Naked Genius, tells the story of a burlesque performer named Gypsy Rose Lee — author of a recently published memoir entitled ‘I’ll Bare All.’ The cast of characters includes her manager, her mother, her publisher, four Chihuahuas and Ramona the Baby Chimp. It’s a sweet farce about the struggle Gypsy faces between her desire for respectability and her burlesque roots.”

Gypsy Lee may have been the original PETA poster girl, as she was active in animal rights, as well as took her clothes off as burlesque dancer before she began her career as a writer.

Unfortunately, as Mint points out, these parts of her life are only touched on slightly in the play.

For more information and tickets to the June 14 event, contact Mint Theatre.

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