Quantcast Vegetarian StarKatherine Heigl Honored By ASPCA For Animal Rights

Katherine Heigl Honored By ASPCA For Animal Rights

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 16th, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues.

Katherine Heigl Attends The 13th Annual ASPCA Bergh Ball In NYC!
Katherine Heigl was honored at the 13th annual ASPCA Bergh Ball held at the Plaza Hotel in New York City on Thursday.

The former Grey’s Anatomy actress received the ASPCA’s Presidential Service Award for her work in animal rights.

“It feels amazing. I’m actually really surprised, but just so grateful that they’re honoring me this way,” Heigl told ET Online of the award.

Heigl has owned as many as six dogs and has worked with the Best Friends Animal Society for their Pup My Ride program, which transports dogs from high-kill shelters to areas where there is more demand for dog adoption.

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