Quantcast Vegetarian StarPink Carey Hart Attend Animal Free Circus

Pink Carey Hart Attend Animal Free Circus

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 13th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Celebrity Tweets, Female Singers.

Pink and Corey Hart Enjoy Each Other's Company

Singer Pink and husband Carey Hart spent some quality time together, enjoying themselves and promoting cruelty-free entertainment.

The singer, who’s real name is Alecia Beth Moore, took to Twitter to describe her experience attending an animal free circus.

“Ugggghhh I had the BESTest day with my amazing sexy hubby @hartluck riding around on beach cruisers w feathers in my hat watching the circus (sic),” Pink wrote.

“Not the real circus people. No animals, just people. That look and behave like animals. On acid. Tis’ a colorful world (sic).”

As a longtime vegetarian and animal rights supporter, she’s probably cheering on PETA’s call to shut down the Ringling Brothers.

The animal rights group has accused the circus of abusing its elephants.

The Humane Society has put together a list of circuses, tour productions and entertainers that do not use animals in any of their shows.

Check it out and enjoy some human tricks the next time one rolls into your town.

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