Quantcast Vegetarian StarJillian Michaels–Don’t Treat Kids Like I Do On “The Biggest Loser”

Human Rights Campaign Los Angeles Gala

Jillian Michaels may scream, berate and boss people around on NBC’s The Biggest Loser, but she insists that’s not the way you should treat your kids if you’re trying to get them in shape.

“The Biggest Loser is about life-or-death confrontations. Last ditch attempts to get people back on track. Kids need positive reinforcement only,” Jillian explained to Parent Dish.

Getting kids involved with physical activities can be combined with nutrition, such as planting and growing your own vegetables in a backyard garden, suggests the pescatarian.

“Teach them about healthy goods to help them become a healthy grownup. Don’t make it about pounds or calorie counting. Involve them in the food. Let them start a little vegetable garden so they are invested. Challenge them to find fruits and veggies in their favorite colors and so on. This helps to keep health fun and make them feel in control of their choices.”

We can totally see the garden thing as a competitive, but positive experience for kids.

Team blue gets the green beans. Team red gets tomatoes.

Who can harvest more at the end of the season?

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