Quantcast Vegetarian StarColin Beavan “No Impact Man” Eco Friendly Life Excludes Beef

"The Winning Season" - 2009 Sundance Portrait Session

Colin Beavan, better known as the guy who’s family attempted to live a zero impact lifestyle in New York City in the film, No Impact Man, has written an article titled, “My Top 10 Eco Lifestyle Changes.”

What is number one on Colin’s list for an eco friendly life?

Giving up meat!

“Worldwide, beef production contributes more substantially to climate change than the entire transportation sector. Plus, a diet with no or less beef is better for you anyway.”

Oh, so true!

He’s the (no impact) man!

Giving up bottled water and biking or walking from point A to B also top Colin’s list.

Visit CrazySexyLife to learn other ways you can make less of an impact on the earth.

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