Quantcast Vegetarian StarKate Nash Pet Rabbit, OCD Made Her Go Vegetarian

The MOJO Honours List 2009 - Arrivals

Kate Nash knew going vegetarian would ease her allergy symptoms she experienced after eating dairy and wheat.

But the neurotic side of her told herself that maybe her pet bunny, Fluffy, would get over an illness if she quit eating animals like her.

“We found out that she had cancer,” Nash said, according to Black Book Mag.

“Then I had a conversation with someone about being vegetarian, and they were like, ‘You should be vegetarian.’ I was like, I like eating meat. But then it popped into my brain that if I didn’t eat animals, maybe Fluffy would be okay. I was being OCD, like, if I didn’t do this, then something bad would happen. So I stopped eating meat.”

That’s a much better compulsion than reciting Fluffy’s name 273 times a day. That won’t do anything but drive both Nash and the rabbit nuts. Now that Fluffy is better, we’re glad Nash is still not giving into her cravings for cheeseburgers. But don’t expect her to encourage anyone else to do so at this time.

“She’s had the operation now, but I’m still doing it. But if anyone ever says to me, ‘I’m thinking of going vegetarian,’ I’m like, No, no, no. Don’t go vegetarian. My favorite thing is cheeseburgers.”

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