Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mark Haddon “Life Is Like A Line Of Risottos”

Mark Haddon. Photo: The Independent

Mark Haddon. Photo: The Independent

“Life as a vegetarian is one long line of risottos.”

—-Author Mark Haddon, while reading a restaurant menu during an interview with The Independent.

Life can also be like a long line of portabello mushroom sandwiches, veggie burgers, salads or any other standard menu item placed there just to appease the vegetarians.

Even Forrest Gump couldn’t have stated it better.

You never know what you’re going to get–or how it’s going to taste.

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–Mark Haddon “Life Is Like A Line Of Risottos””

  1. Michael @ Herbivoracious.com Says:

    God, isn’t that the truth! Also pasta in a beurre blanc, although it often has some other “creative” name for the sauce meant to disguise the fact that you are getting 1/2 a cup of butter.