Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Barbie Ladies Of The 80s” Joan Jett Barbie Doll From Mattel

Joan Jett Barbie Doll. Barbie "Ladies of the 80s."

Joan Jett Barbie Doll. Barbie "Ladies of the 80s."

Finally, we can get that annoying Aqua song out of our heads and replace, “Life in plastic, it’s fantastic,” with “I Love Rock and Roll.”

Mattel is unveiling a new line of Barbie dolls in their Barbie Ladies of the 80s collection this winter.

Vegetarian rocker Joan Jett can be purchased now online and will be available in December of this year.

Barbie has been criticized for having a negative affect on girls’ self esteem, but we can’t think of a better role model than Barbie Joan Jett.

Not only does she practice healthy eating habits by choosing to keep meat off her plate,  she’s given her face and time to pro vegetarian campaigns and animal welfare organizations like Farm Sanctuary.

Now all Barbie Joan Jett needs is a sports car that runs on veggie oil and solar panels on her dream home.

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One Response to ““Barbie Ladies Of The 80s” Joan Jett Barbie Doll From Mattel”

  1. Brent Says:

    LOL, the Aqua “Barbie Girl” was one horrible ass song.

    Thanks for bringing back bad (and until now repressed) memories!