Quantcast Vegetarian StarSteve Martin Banjo Playing Snacks Include Sugar Snaps And Tofu

Steve Martin's Big Bad Banjo And A Conversation With Dave Barry

We’ve heard of what bands request when they’re backstage on tour and think we have a good idea of what Steve Martin snacks on between his banjo drumming performances.

Yeah, Steve Martin really plays the banjo.

From the Times Online:

“In fact, Martin has been playing the banjo for almost 50 years, and is accomplished enough to have won the approval of such banjo virtuosos as Scruggs (best known for the Beverly Hillbillies theme), Bela Fleck and Tony Trischka.”

“In his dressing room backstage at the Ryman, a visibly nervous Martin signs posters and nibbles at a vegetarian snack of sugar snaps and tofu. “Don’t tell anybody I have tofu,” he demands, deadpan, before explaining how he came to be performing at the home of country music.”

Steve’s CD, The Crow: New Songs For The Five String Banjo, was released earlier this year.

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