Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful: Michael Pollan On Kids’ Food Choices

Quintessentially Host A Special Screening Of Magnolia Pictures' "FOOD INC"

“School cafeterias serve chicken “McNuggets” and give kids 10 minutes to eat, educating them to be the next generation of fast-food eaters. We need to give kids good food and enough time to eat it, teach them where food comes from, and provide them with opportunities to grow the food in school gardens and cook it in school kitchens. Knowing how to cook is an essential skill. Parents can also get their kids involved in cooking. They need to take back control of their kids’ diets, which has been ceded to food marketers. [Parents] need to be the gatekeepers.”

—-Michael Pollan, author of In Defense of Food and The Omnnivore’s Dilemma, in an interview with Vegetarian Times.

Although Pollan isn’t vegetarian, he has recommended we eat less meat and begins In Defense of Food with the following statement: Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

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