Quantcast Vegetarian StarIvanka Trump Jared Kushner Wedding–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Ivanka Trump Jared Kushner Wedding–Fur Real Or Fur Fake

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 3rd, 2009 in Fur, Fur Real Or Fur Fake.

The Trumps Get together!

The Trump family got together recently to celebrate the wedding of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

You know that means Donald spent more hours than his bride daughter did in front of the mirror prepping and pruning his toupee.

This shot was taken featuring one of the fam dressed in a white, furry coat.

She’s totally fired.

But only if that’s real fur she’s wearing, versus some stylish variety that’s faker than Donald’s protegee and Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean‘s bossom.

Take a look and decide for yourself.

Fur real? Or fur fake?

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