Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Milkshake Brings Boys To The Yard–Occasionally

Carrie Underwood - ABC's 'Good Morning America'

During a recent interview with USA Today, Carrie Underwood ate a veggie burger, fries and milkshake–which considers to be a rare treat.

“I don’t do milkshakes often,” Underwood said. “I probably haven’t had one in years, to be honest.”

But a milkshake could be closer to your grasp than previously thought, if you substitute healthier ingredients for high calorie ones.

Carrie had a shake with Oreos, for example. A McDonald’s McFlurry with Oreos has 550 calories and 17 grams of fat.

Contrast that to this vegan milkshake with chocolate, banana and strawberries with only approximately 250 calories and 5 grams of fat.

1 Large Banana, chopped and frozen
3/4 cup Vanilla Soymilk (Light)
3 tbsp. Special Dark Cocoa
1/4 tsp Vanilla Extract
60 grams strawberries

Place all ingredients in blender, blend until smooth and serve immediately.

Sure could bring a  lot more boys to the yard with that shake.

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