Quantcast Vegetarian StarSinger Pink–Alecia Moore–Kangaroo And Frog Troubles

Singer Pink–Alecia Moore–Kangaroo And Frog Troubles

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 23rd, 2009 in Animal Issues, Female Singers.

Pink Attends A Songwriting Master Class At The University Of The Arts

Pink is a vegetarian, card carrying member of PETA and animal activist and lover in general.

But lately, the singer who’s real name is Alecia Moore, has been having some troubles with animals-either in her sleep or when she’s conscious.

“I dreamt the other night that I smuggled two kangaroos home from Australia and they trashed my house and my dog Bailey was terrified,” Pink said. “Bad idea!”

But dear, why are you taking wild animals into your home anyway? A trashed home could be the least of your worries.

The second incident involved a frog that wanted some face lovin.’

During a recent bike trip with husband Carey Hart, the two stopped on the side of the road to, ahem, “relieve themselves.”

“They were relieving themselves by the road when a frog jumped up and hit Pink bang in the eyes,” a source said. “She freaked.”

Lessons learned: Don’t smuggle animals, especially ones that belong in the wild into your home. And don’t pee on a frog’s property as he’ll want to protect his turf.

via contactmusic.com

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One Response to “Singer Pink–Alecia Moore–Kangaroo And Frog Troubles”

  1. Ingrid Says:

    She tweets about having sushi. Unless it’s Veg Sushi, she is NOT a Vegetarian.