Meatless Mouthful: Author Discovers Inner World Of Farm Animals
Written by Vegetarian Star on October 1st, 2009 in Animal Issues, Authors, Books.

The Inner World Of Farm Animals
“I think the complexity of the intelligence of the chickens was the most surprising to me. I was shocked to find out that they can count and use geometric principles, to name just a few of their capacities! I think the most disturbing thing is that, with scientific confirmation of how sentient, capable and aware all these animals are, it becomes even more unbearable to think about what happens to them on a daily basis on a factory farm. On a lighter note, one of the most heartwarming stories in the book is that of Debbie, a cow who fell to the ground because of her crippling arthritis. She was surrounded by 13 of her bovine friends, who mooed until help came. Sadly, Debbie had to be put to sleep. The cows then laid on her grave and mooed and cried. Then they disappeared into the forest for two days, not even coming out for their grains. The book is filled with stories like this, which show the loyalty, personalities, emotions and devotion of these animals.”
—Amy Hatkoff, author of The Inner World Of Farm Animals, on the experiences and lessons that are included in her book.
via supervegan.com
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