Quantcast Vegetarian StarMadonna Eats Pizza “The Late Show” David Letterman

Madonna has a slice of pizza at Angelo's after her appearance on The Late Show With David Letterman

It’s cheeseless, looks veggie, but is it vegan?

Madonna got hungry after her appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman, so she stopped by Angelo’s next to the Ed Sullivan theatre in the neighborhood for some thin crust pizza.

It’s hard to tell from the pic if there’s any meat on the slice or not, but it looks like it might be veggie.

If so, Madge must be trying to make up for that 110 pounds of meat she purchased in the Holy Land.

It’s going take a lot of veggie pizzas to get here, Madonna, but we’re confident you can do it.

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3 Responses to “Madonna Eats Pizza “The Late Show” David Letterman”

  1. Allie Says:

    That looks really, really, good, especially for a girl who likes to eat pizza for breakfast and has just slipped into her office hungry.

    I’d love to make my own vegan garlic butter and start dipping!

  2. Brent Says:

    Looks like it might be vegan, but it might also have pepperoni on it without cheese. Or those might be tomatoes.

  3. Annie Says:

    Veg pizza or not, that’s an awfully close up photo but Madonna is looking fantastic-definitely don’t see her age in her face.