Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Mr. Bumble” Obese Skunk Goes Vegetarian

“Mr. Bumble” Obese Skunk Goes Vegetarian

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 30th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Humor, Offbeat.


Meet Mr. Bumble.

Sir Bumble hails from the UK and was put on a vegetarian diet after his former owners gave him to the Royal Society For The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA).

Apparently, bacon is what caused Mr. Bumble to lose his sexy figure.

Mr. Bumble, who’s currently the Hot Slut of the Day,  is now residing in Tropiquaria animal park near Watchet, Somerset, according to BBC reports, and park owner Chris Noisier said: “We’re now working on dieting him down to what he should be and clearly bacon butties are not a normal part of a skunk’s diet in the wild.”

Skunks are omnivores, but usually stick to bugs and frogs in addition to berries, plants, and fruit.

Mr. Bumble weighs in at 14 pounds and needs to lose 5 or 6.

“We’re putting him on the vegetarian option at the moment. It’s very much like a human weight-watching issue,” Noisier said.

When Mr. Bumble slims, will he become the next pro vegetarian model for a certain animal rights groups that will probably ask him to take his clothes off as well?

One thing’s for sure, he’s definitely an anti-fur activist.

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2 Responses to ““Mr. Bumble” Obese Skunk Goes Vegetarian”

  1. Jade Says:

    Yes, some people will feed their pets like they feed themselves, unfortunately…working in a vet’s office, I’ve seen far too many “pleasantly plump” pets.

  2. Veggie XXX Says:

    Poor skunk. Wonder if he will even eat regular food from the “wild” after so many bacon bits.