Quantcast Vegetarian StarSienna Miller, Nicole Richie Vegan Lip Gloss Kitten Vixens

Sienna Miller leaving her play After Miss Julie on Broadway in NYC

Kitten Vixen cosmetics is now able to say its lip gloss products are 100% vegan.

“We are delighted to have been awarded the vegan stamp of approval for our range of lip glosses,” said co-founder Geraldine Shaker. “The integrity of our products is essential, where we can use a natural or organic ingredient without compromising the performance of our products, we will.”

Kitten Vixen’s Put Your Lips Together range of lip glosses have been sported by celebrities such as Sienna Miller, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, and Tori Spelling.

In addition to being vegan and not tested on animals, Kitten Vixen lip glosses are 42% organic, paraben and petroleum-free.

For more information on their lip glosses and other beauty products, visit kittenvixen.com.

via southportvisiter.co.uk

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2 Responses to “Sienna Miller, Nicole Richie Vegan Lip Gloss Kitten Vixens”

  1. Viv Says:

    Sienna looks prettier and more glowing. Something’s different about her…Oh, yeah, she’s not playing the role of homewrecking whore and dating a married man anymore.

  2. Shani Shaker Says:

    Hello, my name is Shani Shaker I represent Kitten Vixen Cosmetics, I just wanted to clarify that only our lip glosses are 100% vegan, the brand is cruelty free but some of our products contain animal by products such as beeswax. We are in the process of reformulating but this takes time.
    Shani Shaker