Quantcast Vegetarian StarMichael Jackson Honored By Hindus For Vegetarianism

Michael Jackson Honored By Hindus For Vegetarianism

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 27th, 2009 in Food & Drink, Male Singers.

Michael Jackson

So, aside from those chicken eating allegations by Magic Johnson, Michael Jackson tried to live a vegetarian lifestyle.

He’s being honored for this, and several other lifestyle choices by his Hindu fans.

“According to reports, he was reading India’s first Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore’s poems during the last days of his life and he collaborated with Oscar winner A. R. Rahman,” said Hindu statesman Rajad Zed. “He reportedly learned how to meditate and was vegetarian.”

Michael’s Hindu fans dedicated a pind-daan ritual to him at the holy city of Bodh Gaya as part of last week’s pitrapaksh festivities.

The ceremony was conducted at the Vishnupad Temple on the banks of the Falgu River in Bihar, and led by a priest, who is a devotee of Michael.

Zed added, “Several celebrities have offered prayers here in the past for the salvation of their ancestors, including the Bollywood superstar Shatrughan Sinha.”

“Hindus believe that pind-daan, performed during the fortnight long pitrapaksh period, brings relief to departed souls. Around one million people from all over the world congregate in Bodh Gaya for pind-daan annually. After taking bath in a nearby kund (reservoir), the pilgrims perform pind-daan, involving religious rites for the peace of souls of one’s parents and ancestors.”

Looks like fans all over the world are still celebrating, grieving, and remembering one of the greatest pop stars ever.

via contactmusic.com

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