Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Grabs Vegetarian Food Before Saks Shopping

2nd Annual ACM Honors - Show

Carrie Underwood was spotted having some vegetarian lunch in Los Angeles before heading out to Saks for some shopping.

They say never shop hungry. Or is that just in the case of groceries?

Oh, well. We think the phrase should be “always eat veg before shopping.”

Carrie’s latest single Cowboy Casanova was just released and will be featured on her upcoming album, Play On.

via x17online.com

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One Response to “Carrie Underwood Grabs Vegetarian Food Before Saks Shopping”

  1. Greg Dangerfield Says:

    Carrie is dating Mike Fisher who plays for the Ottawa Senators. I don’t think he is a vegetarian. Those guys eat chicken parm like there’s no tomorrow. Gives them the carbs and protein to play the game.
    I wonder if she is OK with Mike eating meat. Maybe the shopping takes her mind off of it.